EPSRC DLA Training and Development
Besides developing through their PhD research essential written/verbal communication, analytical, time and project management skills, students will attend training within Departments and access the excellent and well-received University Researcher Development programme, selecting courses and activities tailored to their specific needs from a wide range of provision.
As an EPSRC DTP student, there are some mandatory and some strongly recommended training/development sessions, as detailed below. DTP students also have access to a Research Training Support Grant (RTSG) which is funding that can be used for consumables, training, conference attendance and travel.
Responsible Research and Innovation - organised by the Researcher Development team. A link to the online session will be provided to all new EPSRC DLA starters.
Strongly Recommended
All students should undertake the skills analysis survey (moodle) as soon as they start their PhD.
They should also engage with the following key online courses:
a. Research Integrity - via the Researcher Development team and/or the Research Integrity Office.
b. Time Management
c. Writing and Publishing
d. Presenting your Research
as well as the Cambridge University Library Research Skills courses:
a. Searching the Literature
b. Research Data Management
c. Publishing in journals
d. Build your online profile