Cambridge PhD students in the School of Technology have access to a wide range of training and development opportunities.
Strongly recommended courses
All students should undertake the skills analysis survey via InkPath as soon as they start their PhD.
They should also ensure they complete the following key online courses:
a. Research Integrity - via the Researcher Development team and/or the Research Integrity Office.
b. Time Management
c. Writing and Publishing
d. Presenting your Research
as well as the Cambridge University Library Research Skills courses:
a. Searching the Literature
b. Research Data Management
c. Publishing in journals
d. Build your online profile
Additional training opportunities
Besides developing essential written and verbal communication, analytical, time and project management skills through their PhD research, students attend training within Departments, and access the excellent and well-received University Researcher Development programme, selecting courses and activities tailored to their specific needs from a wide range of provision.Entrepreneurship training is available through the Judge Business School and Cambridge Enterprise, along with language courses offered via the Language Centre. The University Careers Service are also available to all to provide help and advice wherever it is needed regarding future career choices.
In some circumstances, it is possible for an ICASE student to be “incorporated” into one of the Cambridge University EPSRC CDT’s. This means they then have access to all the training and development opportunities within the CDT, in addition to those available to all PhD students.