In January 2024 UKRI announced an update to their funding awards with Doctoral Training Programmes renamed to Doctoral Landscape Awards and Centres for Doctoral Training now known as Doctoral Focal Awards.
The Cambridge University EPSRC DLA and our DFAs build diverse cohorts of students undertaking doctoral research projects across a comprehensive range of Engineering and Physical Science research areas, with adaptive bespoke training that takes account of varying prior pathways, in an inclusive and supportive environment.
Studentships are fully funded (fees and maintenance) for UK students, and up to 30% of our funding is used to fund international students to the same level, with University fee bursaries covering the difference between the home and international fee.
A robust and layered support structure is available to all students, including through their host Department and College provision, and central services such as the Accessibility and Disability Resource Centre, Careers Service, Counselling Service and Students’ Union services.