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EPSRC Doctoral Training Opportunities


To apply for this programme please submit the following documents by 9am on Monday 11 March 2024:

  • A completed application form
  • A completed Widening Participation form
  • A copy of a recent transcript from your undergraduate degree uploaded via the application form. This can be a screenshot from your self-service/student portal but must include your name as well as your current grades. Up to 5 files can be uploaded.
  • An academic reference using this template
    Your referee should be a member of university academic staff, for example a tutor, advisor or professor, who knows and can comment on your academic ability, the quality of your work and your suitability for the internship. Please approach your referee first and discuss the internship opportunity available. Once agreed, provide the template and ask that they submit it directly to the school, as per the information provided in the document.

Shortlisting and selection

Applicants will be assessed competitively on the basis of both academic achievement and academic potential in the context of their education to date. In the circumstances where all other things are equal, priority will then be given to those who are from groups that are currently under-represented in postgraduate study in the physical sciences and technology and/or who have experienced some form of educational disadvantage, using positive action under the Equality Act 2010 where appropriate. The University will monitor the impact and intends to use positive action only where appropriate.

We will notify successful applicants by Friday 26 April at the latest, with the aim of contacting candidates earlier if possible.