- Completed and Fully Signed
- CV
- Completed
- Reference from the PhD Supervisor
- Second Academic Reference
- Copy of EPSRC Funding Offer letter (external candidates only)
Completed applications should be submitted to the fellowship host department, however you are welcome to submit documents 3, 4 and 5 directly to which will be collated by a member of the School of the Physical Sciences office and will be reviewed by the interview panel only.
All data is retained in line with GDPR requirements.
To assist with the application process and to ensure that all documents are submitted correctly, please refer to this guide.
Assessment and Interview
Applications will be considered by the Directors of Education in the Schools of the Physical Sciences and Technology. Short-listed candidates will be invited to a brief interview, during which they will provide a five minute presentation about their proposed project and answer questions from the panel. Note that this panel may include people who are non-specialist or who do not have a science background and interviewees will be expected to explain their projects accordingly.
Interviews are scheduled to be held on Tuesday 2 July in person.
The criteria used to select successful candidates will be as follows:
- Application meets the eligibility criteria and conditions of the award
- Track record of the application which will cover:
- research conducted as part of the PhD
- other opportunities the applicant has taken up such as researcher development training, teaching, public engagements, knowledge transfer etc. - Quality of the proposed project plan, including novelty, methodology and planning
- Potential of the applicant to show independence and leadership ability
- Fellowship fits with declared career goals of the applicant
- Appropriateness of the resources requested and the support indicated from the proposed Fellowship supervisor